The Rescorla Festival runs over 3 days and is a mix of song, dance, a walk, author talk, writing workshop, history, food and much more. On the 19th , Literature day with Emily Ould and Paula Rooney will consist of an author talk and a writing workshop based on a sense of place. Local author Paula Rooney will give an author talk at 1:30pm, followed by a short break with refreshments, then Emily Ould will lead a writing workshop. Materials provided. All welcome. On the 20th there is a workshop at 10:30am looking at Cornish traditions and customs followed by a talk on Food in Cornish history. Then at 4:30pm Para Yowynk ( a cultural platform for Rescorla's younger generation) meets and at 6:30pm there is a Celtic session led by Ryb an Mor. On the 21st , traditional afternoon with music by Bagas Crowd, Bray Family, Ryb An Mor. There is no charge for events but we welcome donations.